Here you'll find the driving instructions for De Saunaboot. We go carefully go through these before you head out. We'll start the engine together, and we show you how everything works. Once on the lake, you can pull up these instructions again.
De Saunaboot is no regular boat. Having experience with other boats is useful, but not necessary or sufficient. We'll give you a complete instruction on the spot.
In the harbor, you drive with minimum speed. On the lake you can go faster. Since it's mostly about finding a nice spot to anchor to enjoy the sauna, it's typically not more than 10 minutes a drive.
De Wijde Blik is a very deep lake. To anchor, therefore, you can't be too far out of shore, or on the middle of the lake. No worries, if you're a little too far out you'll notice, and the wind will usually bring you somewhere more shallow.
1. Stop the boat, with its nose in the wind. If there's very little wind, put in reverse until its no longer moving forward. Once you've found the right position, you can put it in neutral.
2. See if the line can move freely, and no one is standing on it. Take the anchor with both hands, and throw it into the water in front of the boat.
3. Take the line, and let it run through your hands. Keep a couple of meters on the boat and tie the line to the cleat in eights (don't worry, the line is secured to the boat)
4. As the anchor digs itself into the soil, the boat will start to turn with its nose toward the wind. Look toward the shore to determine whether the boat is stationary. When it is, you can switch off the engine and start your sauna session!
4. Als het anker zich ingraaft begint de boot te draaien naar de wind. Kijk naar de wal om te bepalen of je stil ligt. Is dat het geval? Dan kun je de motor uitzetten en gaan genieten van de sauna!
In the harbor we'll start the engine together, as you get the driving instructions. Out on the lake, you'll do this yourself upon your retun.
1. Press the ON button of the bow thruster twice, and check if it's working.
2. Check whether the throttle is in neutral.
3. Bring up the swimming ladder.
4. Start the engine as you did in the harbor, and slowly drive up to the anchor as you reel in the anchor.
5. Put the rope and the anchor into the box
Make sure that when you get to the house boat, you slow down completely. You do this by first putting it in neutral, and then in reverse for a moment. Then you continue with minimum throttle again, going wide around the house boat, driving it into harbor.